The resulting CrCl is multiplied by 0.85 if the patient is female to correct for the lower CrCl in females. The C-G formula is dependent on age as its main predictor for CrCl. Below is the formula: eCCr = (140 – Age) x Mass (kg) x [0.85 if female] / 72 x [Serum Creatinine (mg/dL)] Formulas used in the prediction of GFR


CrCl for women = [(140 - age) x Weight in kilograms x 1.04] / (Serum Creatinine in µmol/L) The calculation of the ideal body weight takes place via the Devine formula: Male = 50 kg + (2.3 x (Height in inches - 60)) Female = 45.5 kg + (2.3 x (Height in inches - 60))

The Cockcroft-Gault formula for estimating creatinine clearance (CrCl) should be used routinely as a simple means to provide a reliable approximation of residual renal function in all patients with The study used actual body weight, but mentioned that a correction factor of some kind should be used in patients with marked obesity or ascites. CrCl = (140 − Age) ∗ (Weight) 72 ∗ SCr ∗ 0.85(female) = (140 − 78yrs) ∗ 47.6kg 72 ∗ 1.56mg / dL ∗ 0.85(female) = 20 mL / min. $$ \\ CrCl\;(mL/min*1.73\;m^2) = \frac{98 - 16*(\frac{Age-20}{20})}{SCr}\\ (CrCl\;is\;multiplied\;by\;0.9\;for\;female\;patients) $$ Salazar-Corcoran 1988 4 DEPRECATED CrCl =. U Cr * U Vol. P Cr * T min.

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Exclusion criteria include: unstable serum creatinine, pregnancy, malnutrition, amputation and dialysis Renal Function: The above formula only applies for GFR calculation when it is equal to the Clearance Rate. The normal range of GFR, adjusted for body surface area , is 100–130 average 125 (mL/min)/(1.73 m 2 ) in men and 90–120 (mL/min)/(1.73 m 2 ) in women younger than the age of 40. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators The formulas are as follows: CrCl (male) = ( [140-age] × weight in kg)/ (serum creatinine × 72) CrCl (female) = CrCl (male) × 0.85 Cockcroft-Gault CrCl = [(140-age) x (Wt in kg) x (0.85 if female)] / (72 x Cr) Note : The original Cockroft-Gault Equation listed here provides an estimate of creatinine clearance, but this original formula is not adjusted for body surface area and may be less accurate in obese patients. Female.


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References. Cockcroft DW, Gault MH. Prediction of creatinine clearance from serum creatinine. Nephron. 1976;16(1):31-41.

Where F = 1 if male, and 0.85 if female Enter data in table and creatinine Clearance will be calculated according to the Cockcroft and Gault Formula (Nephron 1976;16:31-41). Suitable for adults only.

Male use actual body weight if ≤ 70kg, if > 70kg use 70kg. **Cockcroft and Gault does not apply to all patients. Exclusion criteria include: unstable serum creatinine, pregnancy, malnutrition, amputation and dialysis Renal Function: The above formula only applies for GFR calculation when it is equal to the Clearance Rate. The normal range of GFR, adjusted for body surface area , is 100–130 average 125 (mL/min)/(1.73 m 2 ) in men and 90–120 (mL/min)/(1.73 m 2 ) in women younger than the age of 40. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators The formulas are as follows: CrCl (male) = ( [140-age] × weight in kg)/ (serum creatinine × 72) CrCl (female) = CrCl (male) × 0.85 Cockcroft-Gault CrCl = [(140-age) x (Wt in kg) x (0.85 if female)] / (72 x Cr) Note : The original Cockroft-Gault Equation listed here provides an estimate of creatinine clearance, but this original formula is not adjusted for body surface area and may be less accurate in obese patients. Female.

We have to notice her weight, which will impact the creatinine clearance we are trying to get. Below is an exercise adapted  Creatinine clearance (mL/min):. Formula: {(140 - Age) x wt (kg) x F} / Serum Creatinine (umol) Where F = 1.23 if male, and 1.04 if female. Please note: When   where CrCl is creatinine clearance and SCr is serum creatinine. For women, the above equation should be multiplied by. 0.85.
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01/09/2015 Female. Download the app for offline access. 0/4 completed. Start CrCl for female = [(140 - age) * Weight in kilograms * 1.04] / (Serum Creatinine in µmol/L) The calculation of the ideal body weight by Devine’s formula: Male = 50 kg + (2.3 * (Height in inches - 60)) Female = 45.5 kg + (2.3 * (Height in inches - 60)) Carboplatin dose based on the Calvert formula is: Dosage = Target AUC x (GFR + 25) For healthy males, the discharge of creatinine is 95mL/minute while for females, this figure increases to 120mL/minute. CRCL facts and figures.

Adult Females = 0.85 x [ ( (140 - age in years) x (weight in kg)) ÷ 72 x serum Cr] CONSIDERATIONS: The Normal or Maximum CrCl: The estimated creatinine clearance (CrCl) is not normally physiologically greater than 120 ml/min for most adults. Cockcroft-Gault CrCl = [(140-age) x (Wt in kg) x (0.85 if female)] / (72 x Cr) Note: The original Cockroft-Gault Equation listed here provides an estimate of creatinine clearance, but this original formula is not adjusted for body surface area and may be less accurate in obese patients. Se hela listan på CrCl for women = [(140 - age) x Weight in kilograms x 1.04] / (Serum Creatinine in µmol/L) The calculation of the ideal body weight takes place via the Devine formula: Male = 50 kg + (2.3 x (Height in inches - 60)) Female = 45.5 kg + (2.3 x (Height in inches - 60)) * Female use actual body weight if ≤ 60kg, if > 60kg use 60kg. Male use actual body weight if ≤ 70kg, if > 70kg use 70kg.
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CRCL : Estimated GFR Using Serum Creatinine Alone: Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is calculated using the 2009 CKD Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation: eGFR(CKD-EPI) =141 x min(Scr/k, 1)alpha x max(Scr/k,1)-1.209 x 0.993 age x 1.018 (if patient is female) x 1.159 (if patient is black) -where age is in years -k is 0.7 for females and 0.9 for males -alpha is -0.329 for

The C-G formula is dependent on age as its main predictor for CrCl. Below is the formula: eCCr = (140 – Age) x Mass (kg) x [0.85 if female] / 72 x [Serum Creatinine (mg/dL)] Formulas used in the prediction of GFR 2017-09-07 · CrCl = [(140 - age) x IBW] / (Scr x 72) (x 0.85 for females) Note: if the ABW (actual body weight) is less than the IBW use the actual body weight for calculating the CRCL.