Nordea Funds. Nordea-rahasto palkittiin parhaana pohjoismaisena osakerahastona. Pohjoismaisiin pieniin ja keskisuuriin yrityksiin sijoittava Nordea Nordic Small Cap on saanut jälleen tunnustusta luokkansa aatelina, kun sijoitustutkimusyhtiö Morningstar valitsi sen parhaaksi Pohjoismaihin sijoittavaksi osakerahastoksi. 2.


17 mar 2017 Nordea Småbolagsfond Norden fick nyligen ta emot pris som bästa Nordenfond i Läs mer om Nordea European Small and Mid Cap Fund.

Topp 3 inom kategorin Nordenfonder +16,56% Nordea 1 - Nordic Nordea Pensionsportfölj är en global portfölj med övervikt mot Sverige som innehåller 100 % aktier till 61 års ålder, Nordea Nordic Small Cap K SEK: 65: 0.50: Nordea 1 - European Sm&Mid Cp Eq BP SEK: 65: 0.50: Nordea Maailma K SEK: 65: 0.50: Nordea 1 - Global Stable Eq EUR H HB SEK: 65: 0.50: Spiltan Aktiefond Investmentbolag: 65: Sijoituspolitiikka: Nordea Nordic Small Cap T EUR: Nordic Small Cap on osakerahasto, joka sijoittaa varansa markkina-arvoltaan pienten ja keskisuurten pohjoismaisten yhtiöiden osakkeisiin ja osakesidonnaisiin arvopapereihin. Investeringsmålsætning: Nordea 1 - Nordic Equity Small Cap Fund BP EUR: The fund invests a minimum of three-fourths of its net assets in equities, other equity shares such as co-operative shares and participation certificates (equities and equity rights), dividend-right certificates and warrants on transferable securities issued by companies which are domiciled in the Nordic region. 2021-02-22 Investment Objective: Nordea 1 - Nordic Equity Small Cap Fund BP EUR: The fund invests a minimum of three-fourths of its net assets in equities, other equity shares such as co-operative shares and Find our live Nordea Nordic Small Cap T Eur fund basic information. View & analyze the 0P00000NM7 fund chart by total assets, risk rating, Min. investment, market cap and category. All information om Aktia Nordic Small Cap B: Innehav, utveckling, risk och betyg. Jämför över 1200 fonder hos Nordnet. Bli kund och handla idag.

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Profile and investment. Fund type: SICAV Find our live Nordea Nordic Small Cap T Eur fund basic information. View & analyze the 0P00000NM7 fund chart by total assets, risk rating, Min. investment, market cap and category. Nordea setter opp høyt gjerde rundt Nordea Nordic Small Cap Fra og med 15. oktober må investorer som ikke inngått spareavtale eller har innskudd i fondet, ut med 100 millioner norske kroner for å komme inn. His risk-aware mindset and expertise in Nordic small caps has kept Nordea 1 - Nordic Equity Small Cap a cut above the competition under his tenure. Yet, the large asset base of this Click here His risk-aware mindset and expertise in Nordic small caps has kept Nordea 1 - Nordic Equity Small Cap a cut above the competition under his tenure.

Rahastot Nyt -palvelusta löydät rahastokurssit, rahastojen ominaisuuksien ja riskiprofiilin kuvaukset sekä historiallista kehitystä kuvaavat käyrät.

Nordea Nordic Small Cap Fund (Nordea Funds Ltd) - Nordea. ×. Choose your investor profile. Welcome to Nordea Investment Funds S.A. Country. Luxembourg. Austria Belgium France Germany Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Poland Spain Switzerland United Kingdom. Please select country.

Saat lisätietoja rahoitusjärjestön luokituksesta ja riskiluokituksesta, rahaston hallintohenkilöstön avoimista tiedoista, sijoitusallokaatioon liittyvistä käytännöistä ja diversifioinnista sekä edellisistä tuloksista. Investment Objective: Nordea 1 - Nordic Equity Small Cp BP EUR: The fund invests a minimum of three-fourths of its net assets in equities, other equity shares such as co-operative shares and participation certificates (equities and equity rights), dividend-right certificates and warrants on transferable securities issued by companies which are domiciled in the Nordic region. Sijoituspolitiikka: Nordea Nordic Small Cap T EUR: Nordic Small Cap on osakerahasto, joka sijoittaa varansa markkina-arvoltaan pienten ja keskisuurten pohjoismaisten yhtiöiden osakkeisiin ja osakesidonnaisiin arvopapereihin. Nordea Nordic Fund 3)1,40 % Nordea Nordic Ideas Equity Fund 1,50 % 3) Nordea Nordic Stars 1,50 % 3) Nordea North America Fund 1,00 % + 20,00 % 4) Nordea North American Enhanced 0,60 % Nordea North American Small Cap Fund 1,50 % 3) Nordea North American Stars 1,50 % 3) Nordea North American Value Fund 1,50 % 3) Nordea Nya Tillväxtmarknader 1,85 Nordea Invest Nordic Small Cap kan investere i samtlige selskaber noteret på børser i Danmark, Finland, Island, Norge og Sverige samt i begrænset omfang i unoterede selskaber.

Rahastot Nyt -palvelusta löydät rahastokurssit, rahastojen ominaisuuksien ja riskiprofiilin kuvaukset sekä historiallista kehitystä kuvaavat käyrät.

Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Apr 01 2021. More . Nordea Nordic Small Cap Fund is an open-end fund registered in Finland.

Fund price for Nordea 1 - Nordic Equity Small Cap Fund BC GBP along with Morningstar ratings & research, long term fund performance and charts. Найдите самую актуальную основную информацию об инвестиционном фонде Nordea 1 - Emerging Markets Small Cap Fund Bp Usd. Представленный   Fondskurser for Nordea Invest Nordic Small Cap Udb sammen med Morningstar ratings og analyser, Morningstar Kategori™, Aktier - Norden Small/Mid Cap. Nordea Asset Management bietet europäischen sowie globalen Investoren eine breite Palette von Anlagefonds Small Caps aus hohem Norden sind gefragt. Emerging Markets Small Cap. Morningstar 2; Produktblad; Risk Global Enhanced Small Cap. Morningstar - Nordea Funds, Finland. Småbolagsfond Norden. 13. aug 2012 August 13, 2012 07:00 ET | Source: Investeringsforeningen Nordea Invest Norden (DK0060095735), Europa Small Cap (DK0015960983),  26. apr 2012 Torsdag den 26.
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Investment Objective: Nordea 1 - Nordic Equity Small Cp BP EUR: The fund invests a minimum of three-fourths of its net assets in equities, other equity shares such as co-operative shares and participation certificates (equities and equity rights), dividend-right certificates and warrants on transferable securities issued by companies which are domiciled in the Nordic region. Nordea 2 - Global Enhanced Small Cap - The sub-fund's objective is to provide shareholders with investment growth in the long term. The fund mainly invests in small capitalisation equities of companies in from anywhere in the world. Specifically, the fund invests at least 75% of total assets in equities and equity-related securities issued by companies whose market capitalisation (at the time Nordea Invest Nordic Small Cap kan investere i samtlige selskaber noteret på børser i Danmark, Finland, Island, Norge og Sverige samt i begrænset omfang i unoterede selskaber.

Nordea Nordic Small Cap Fund is an open-end fund registered in Finland.
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OMX Stockholm Large Cap 791,50, -21,50, -2,64, 789,50, 790,50, 814,50, 789,50, 08:29. Nordea Bank, 85,07, -0,25, -0,29, 85,12, 85,13, 85,53, 84,85, 08:29.

Nordea setter opp høyt gjerde rundt Nordea Nordic Small Cap Fra og med 15. oktober må investorer som ikke inngått spareavtale eller har innskudd i fondet, ut med 100 millioner norske kroner for å komme inn.