Getinge AB Box 8861 402 72 Gothenburg Sweden Phone: +46 (0)10 335 00 00 Email: Page 1 of 13 Press Release March 9, 2020 Gothenburg, Sweden NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING IN GETINGE AB (PUBL) The shareholders of Getinge AB (publ), corporate ID No. 556408-5032, are hereby invited to attend


This is an unofficial translation of the original Swedish Annual Report 2020. In the event of any The Annual General Meeting will be held on April 22, 2021. Impact AB and in relation to signifi- Getinge and Elos Medtech,.

Net sales break down by family of products as follows: - medical systems (62.8%): equipment for operating rooms (primarily tables and lighting systems), ventilators and heart and lung machines, etc.; - hospital sterilization equipment (27.6% Regulatory press release. Annual Report 2020 including sustainability report. 30 March, 2021 At the Annual General Meeting of Getinge AB (publ) held on 26 June 2020, the following was resolved. Dividend. In accordance with the proposal by the Board of Directors and the CEO, the Annual General Meeting resolved to declare a dividend of SEK 1.50 per share. 30 June 2020 was determined as record date for dividend.

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In depth view into Getinge Market Cap including historical data from 2011, charts, stats and industry View 4,000+ financial data types April 14, 2021, 8.322B. Interim ratios for the last five interim periods – The latest financial ratios derived from the quarterly/semi-annual financial statements published by the company for 5  See Getinge's revenue, employees, and funding info on Owler, the world's largest KGaA: preliminary result for the first quarter 2021. Net sales Today Getinge publishes its Annual Report 2020 as well as its Sustainability U Quarterly Report. apr 20. Delårsrapport januari-mars 2021. januari.

In the Getinge 2018 Annual Report you can read about business performance, financial results and how Getinge products and solutions make a difference. And on the cover this time we see two smiling faces belonging to employees at the Vendôme manufacturing site in France.

15:42 / 31 March 2021 Hanza Press release. The Swedish version of the 2020 annual report is now available on HANZA's website An English 

Finansinstitut USD. This is an unofficial translation of the original Swedish Annual Report 2020. In the event of any The Annual General Meeting will be held on April 22, 2021.

Upcoming events. 22 Apr 2021. Interim Report January–March 2021. 06 May 2021. Annual General Meeting 2021. Stockholm, Sweden. 16 Jul 2021. Half-year Report January–June 2021. Calendar.

View today's stock price, news and analysis for Getinge AB ADR (GNGBY).

March 30, 2021. or trade dress on this website may be used without the prior written authorization of Getinge AB. Getinge, Getinge Group Order a printed copy of Getinge's annual report by completing the form and the material will be sent to you by mail. Getinge's Annual Report 2020 You are visiting a website that is not intended for your region The page or information you have requested is intended for an audience outside the United States . Ten years of annual and quarterly financial statements and annual report data for GETINGE AB (GNGBY).
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Q1 Report 2019 English . Q1 Report 2019 GETINGE ANNOUNCES ITS Q1 REPORT 2021 ON APRIL 20 AT 08 : 00 CEST followed by a conference call at 10:00 CEST. AQ. 03/30. GETINGE'S ANNUAL REPORT 2020 AND SUSTAINABILITY UPDATE 2020 : Creating sustainable customer value in the midst of a pandemic. AQ. GETINGE AB : Financial news and information Stock GETINGE AB | Nasdaq Stockholm: GETI B GETINGE'S ANNUAL REPORT 2020 AND SUSTAINABILITY UPDATE 2020: GETINGE ANNOUNCES ITS Q1 REPORT 2021: 00 CEST followed by a conference call at ..

Annual General Meeting 2021. Annual General Meeting in Getinge AB (publ), corporate ID No. 556408-5032, to be held on Tuesday 20 April 2021 at 3.00 p.m. CEST. The AGM will be held virtually through electric connection with the shareholders, with the opportunity for the shareholders to also vote by post.
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2021-03-30 13:00:00 Annual Financial Report, Getinge's Annual Report 2020 and till ny styrelseledamot i Getinge AB (publ) inför årsstämman 2021 

15 april 2021, 09:18 Carl Bennet AB, 20,00%, 50,10%. Fjärde AP-fonden, 8,30%  2021-03-30 13:00:00 Bokslut och Verksamhetsberättelse, Getinge's Annual Report 2020 and Sustainability Update 2020: Creating sustainable customer value  Getinge AB, Audiocast with teleconference, Q1, 2021. Speakers: CEO Mattias Perjos, CFO Lars Sandström. Sector: Health care - Pharmaceuticals &  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 0 % -40 % -20 new Board member in Getinge AB (publ) the Annual General Meeting 2021 Getinge Full Year Report 2020: Intense efforts to support health care and  2021 are Thomas Gustafsson, chairman of the board of directors, Johan Andersson Experience: President and CEO of Getinge AB, President and CEO of Hilding Anders other remuneration) on pages 86-88 in the annual report 2020. B-aktien är noterad på Nasdaq Stockholm (Nordiska listan).