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KD Max V6.0_Demo_Video. As an integrated solution for kitchen cabinet and all kinds of cabinet business, KD max helps you realize your design quickly, accurately and beautifully. With YFCAD's cutting edge technology , we deliver the professional design tool you need to …

1 unit of KD Max v6.0 Installer USB. 1 KD Max v6.0 User Manual. 1 Warranty Card (3month warranty for software keylock only) 1 License Agreement. Comes with 2 days KD Max v6.0 training for 1 person at TS Training Centre Sdn Bhd. Category: KD Max. 2018-07-05 KD Max is a 3D visualization software package
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Comes with 2 days KD Max v6.0 training for 1 person at TS Training Centre Sdn Bhd. Category: KD Max. 2018-07-05 KD Max is a 3D visualization software package
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It is highly user-friendly and customer-oriented.
KD Max can provide a complete design solution within minutes: KD Max South Africa. January 3, 2017 · A KD Max 5-ös verziója számos újdonsággal teszi még könnyebbé a bútor tervezést. Néhány ezek közül: Beépített oktató videók.

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