Regardless of location, Sectra IDS7/cx gives the clinician instant access to top-of-the-line functionality and current patient information and images are presented on the screen according to the clinician’s individual preferences. IDS7/cx features an optional, fully integrated 3D rendering tool for diagnostic support.
14 nov 2019 Driftstopp SkaS radiologi /nuklearmedicin Sectra Order Management och PACS ( IDS7) den 21 Mail:
Data protection officer. Email: Phone: +46 13 23 52 00 från Unilabs via Sectra IDS7/Cx. Denna funktion visar Unilabs bilder på enklast möjliga sätt. Efter man har loggat på kommer man till en sökruta där det finns tre val. Använd alltid personnummer (MRN) vid sökning.
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Email: Phone: +46 13 23 52 00 Technical customer support 24/7. Smooth running of your Sectra system is the number one priority of our dedicated team of specialists. These customer-focused service and support engineers are at your disposal 24/7 to solve any issue in real time and answer your questions. Functionality Remote reading support : Product family: Workstations Release: 18.1 : Standard included in product : Release 18.1: IDS7/csntest IDS7/cx IDS7/dx IDS7/mqa IDS7/mx IDS7/px IDS7/qa Sectra Support Terminal : Features : Select the feature name for more information.
Feb 24, 2020 This will remove the technical complexity required to support a single view of patient imaging across the trusts, Sectra said. The development is Sectra IDS7 provides powerful diagnostic tools, and ensures easy and secure access to clinical data and images throughout the enterprise.
In order to run the SECTRA PACS plugin you need to have: |Acess to Sectra PACS IDS7, including log-in. |A powerful enough computer to run Segment. For further details, please see Chapter ’System Requirements’ in the Segment User Manual. |Supported operating systems are Windows 10. 3.2 Overview The installation consist of three major steps:
Ability to efficiently support a wide variety of modalities and new. #1 Greatest Impact. In Medical Imaging.
It is a streamlined speech recognition solution with excellent support for more than When placed on the Sectra (IDS5 or IDS7, Windows XP and 7, 32 or 64- bit)
The video shows how you can capture, acce With more than 20 years of innovation and .
For Windows editions, see the System Requirements for Sectra PACS documentation. Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10 or 11 or Microsoft Edge. Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 or later.
And international
Sectra IDS7 is packaged as a ClickOnce application.
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Sectra IDS7 is a digitally signed software component, which means that the vendor guarantees its purity and that it is free from viruses. You can safely download it without compromising the integrity of your system.
3.2 Overview The installation consist of three major steps: Two methods for saving images from Sectra Ids7.