The Nimex Petroleum Group. The Nimex Petroleum Group was established in London in September 1990 as a trading company dealing in petrochemicals and petroleum products. Today, Nimex Petroleum has grown into a global trading organization with business presence across West & North Africa, Europe and the Middle East. Read more


About NIMEX. The investment seeks to provide long-term capital appreciation independent of the U.S. equity market. The fund pursues its investment objective utilizing a market neutral strategy

Om Nimex. Vårt huvudkontor finns i Mullsjö, och här producerar vi den största delen av våra solskyddsprodukter för både inom- och utomhusbruk. Vi har idag tre egna produktionsanläggningar. Det ger oss full kontroll över tillverkningen och ger dig stor trygghet vad gäller kvalitet, leveranser och nära kontakt med oss. About Nimex Our head office is located in Mullsjö, Sweden, which is also where we manufacture the majority of our sun protection products for both indoor and outdoor use.

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Ideal for use in gastronomy, catering and trade. These include breads, chutneys, sauces, curries, finger food, snacks and desserts. The entire Nimex range has one thing in common - the high demand for quality and authentic taste. Download Catalog NIMEX is a European company specialized in the import and export of automotive products. We search items that aren't directly available in your country. These items can be engine parts, but also used trucks, new equipment, etc.

Vi har idag tre egna produktionsanläggningar.

Nimex. Trading corporation. Company profile: We are manufacturers and exporters of textiles and tobacco. Company type(s):. Agent, Exporter, Importer 

Telefax: 050214702. Webbplats: ger dig företagsinformation om Nimex AB, 556588-8855.

Društvo "Nimex" Za Promet Roba, Usluga I Proizvodnju K.d. Nikšić - Montenegro affärsöversikt: kontakter, adress, datum för registrering, rapporter och mer.

We currently have three of our own production plants. NIMEX Team Job Angebote Versand Widerrufsrecht Informationen. Termine News Datenschutz AGB Impressum Newsletter. Abonnieren Sie den kostenlosen Newsletter und verpassen Sie keine Neuigkeit oder Aktion mehr von NIMEX Onlineshop. Newsletter abonnieren.

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We search items that aren't directly available in your country . Learn about NIMEX with our data and independent analysis including NAV, star rating, asset allocation, capital gains, and dividends. Start a 14-day free trial to  We at Nimex Group carry various sorts of accessories including iPhone and iPad cases. Moreover, in our company we cover and sell all the products on the  NIMEX TRADING CORPORATION - Manufacturer,Supplier,Exporter,Wholesaler/ Distributor and Trading Company of Scented Incense Sticks,Dry Red Chilli etc  Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Nimex Group Inc. of Brooklyn, NY. Get the latest business insights from Dun  Specialties: Nimex Flower shop is new to Rancho Cucamonga but not new to the Inland Empire. Maria moved her shop from Ontario to the beautiful Rancho  NIMEX meaning is defined below: Nuveen Equity Market Neutral Fu (Mutual Funds [USMF]).

Läs mer om intressant företagsstatistik i Bodens kommun. Elissi/Nimex AB gick med vinst, 2 107 000 kr. Elissi/Nimex AB ökade sin omsättning med 73,58% senaste räkenskapsåret. Verksamhetsbeskrivningen för Nimex AB: Föremålet för bolagets verksamhet är att bedriva tillverkning, försäljning, installation, service och uthyrning av solavskärmningsprodukter samt bedriva verksamhet genom aktivt deltagande inom all slags motorsport via Nimex AB,556588-8855 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status, varumärken About NIMEX.
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Nimex tillverkar och marknadsför värme-, solskydds- och ljusavskärmningsprodukter som t ex markiser, screengardiner, alu-skärmar, rullgardiner, lamellgardiner 

Symbol , NIMEX. Manager & start date. Scott Tonneson. 31 Dec 2015.