Eurotax is a Fiscal Representative certified as such by the French Administration. We guarantee the conformity of your declarations for VAT, Intrastat of goods and / or services. Besides, Eurotax ensures that your company exercise its fair and sound recovery or exemption rights as these are subject to strict conditions of form and substance.


representatives and authorities that supply public services, like the revenue through improved coverage of income tax (rather than company tax and VAT).

Fiscal Representative is jointly and severally liable for the VAT obligations without any limitation along with the Norwegian taxpayer, therefore a need to set up the relevant financial guarantees arises. 2021-01-15 Ensuring ‘VAT Compliance’ with local fiscal laws, Ensuring your business complies with local rules on invoicing, VAT treatment, accounting procedures and VAT filing and payments, Handling enquiries and tax inspections from the local VAT office. The tax authorities regard a ‘Fiscal Representative’ as the local agent of the foreign trader 2021-02-11 What form for VAT returns and when to submit in Portugal ? Your fiscal representative in Portugal will have to submit periodically on your behalf. The VAT form you are expected to submit in Portugal : In Portugal, the periodicity of VAT (locally called Imposto sobre o valor acrescentado (IVA)) is as follows : With a fiscal representation service through the VACUE network, you can avail of a professional and experienced representative in any of the EU member states. VAT. The professionals who offer fiscal representation services are all VAT experts, and so they will take care of all your VAT returns and correspondence in taxation matters for you. As foreign entrepreneur you can appoint a tax representative to handle your business with the Tax and Customs Administration.

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It's your only point of contact   Foreign companies liable to value added tax ("VAT") in France because of their business have to respect a certain number of obligations and, in some case,  VAT-representation in Norway. Foreign businesses selling goods or services subject to VAT within Norway, are liable for VAT. They need to be registered in the  11 Nov 2020 One is the requirement for non-EU businesses to appoint a fiscal representative to register for VAT purposes. It is possible that a free trade  THE VAT SPECIALIST IN CROSS-BORDER TRANSACTIONS. Corintax Consulting is a French tax representative providing VAT services to corporate clients from  FISCAL REPRESENTATION.

If your business do not have any place of business, you must be registered in the VAT-register through a fiscal representative. Ensuring ‘VAT Compliance’ with local fiscal laws, Ensuring your business complies with local rules on invoicing, VAT treatment, accounting procedures and VAT filing and payments, Handling enquiries and tax inspections from the local VAT office. The tax authorities regard a ‘Fiscal Representative’ as the local agent of the foreign trader As your fiscal representative Share Logistics will: Register your business for VAT with the tax office and make sure your company is in compliance with all applicable regulations.

VAT-representation in Norway. Foreign businesses selling goods or services subject to VAT within Norway, are liable for VAT. They need to be registered in the VAT-register. If your business do not have any place of business, you must be registered in the VAT-register through a fiscal representative.

Finanspolitiken är en del av statens ekonomiska politik. De finanspolitiska målsättningarna – hur offentliga medel uppbärs och används – slås fast  Engelska. A customs representative may act as a fiscal representative, as provided for under value added tax, hereinafter 'VAT', and excise provisions in force. Tax Havens, Merry-go-rounds, and Dutch Sandwiches – An initial analysis of the Taxable Supplies and Their Consideration in European VAT - With Selected  av PB Sørensen · Citerat av 97 — Figure 1.7 Standard rates of Value Added Tax and VAT share of total tax of the taxes paid over the life cycle of a representative cohort of.

As the VAT on import must be transferred to a non-Dutch VAT number,a special customs procedure is followed, during which we act as fiscal representation.

Businesses must consider the structure of their imports. For companies providing goods or services in foreign European countries, there may be a requirement to VAT register as a non-resident VAT trader. Check which countries require VAT fiscal representative. This tax registered company will be the local representative of the company, managing with queries and filing obligations of the company for dealings with the tax authorities. They also may be liable for the VAT liability of the company. What is a Fiscal Representative? A Fiscal Representative is a tax registered company who will act in your behalf taking care of your administrative obligations, managing VAT affairs while dealing with the tax authorities.

Below is a summary of the principal situations were a fiscal representative may be required. 1) EU Companies Up until 2003 all companies trading across European Union borders were required to appoint a local Fiscal Representative in each country where they were providing a taxable supply. The fiscal representative is able to pay VAT and duty on behalf of the customer. For example… Different European countries have different approaches to Fiscal Representation. Here at Baxter Freight, our experts can help you arrange fiscal representation for your European shipments and explain exactly what you need to do. VAT Representative – when a foreing subject carries out individual economic acts relevant for VAT purposes in Italy, it is possible to appoint a VAT representative to fulfill the tax obligations and to exercise the related rights (for ex. the reimbursement of the VAT payed for the purchases).
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It is possible that a free trade  Obtain a significant liquidity advantage by authorizing us as your fiscal representative. We will provide you with tailored VAT solutions for your business   How does LFR work? Upon import at the EU border, a customs broker with the authorization as a limited fiscal representative will assume responsibility of the VAT. The fiscal representative will usually be jointly and severally liable for the VAT owed by the business. Several countries in Europe require the appointment of a  Check which countries require VAT fiscal representative.

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The limited fiscal representative must be authorized to act as a limited fiscal representative. This authorization is usually granted by the German importer but can also be issued by the seller from the USA. Subsequently, the customs agent must check the VAT number of the person or business who bought the goods.

They also may be liable for the VAT liability of the company. The fiscal representative may be jointly liable for all VAT payments of the company. Most companies who offer VAT services for companies will not act as a fiscal representative. This means you might be forced to find 3rd party companies in addition to the VAT agent. A Fiscal Representative is a special type of VAT agent for foreign businesses with a VAT registration in another country. They are responsible for the correct calculation and reporting of VAT of their client, and are the first point of call for the local tax office in the case of questions or audits.