KollaGen II-xs can aid with joint lubrication as well as provide several other joint health benefits. Kollagen II-xs has 3 main components: Collagen Type II, Chondroitin sulfate, and Hyaluronic acid. Combined, these 3 components aid in joint health, cartilage heath, joint lubrication, and more.


KollaGen II-xs™ Collagen Type II – This is a patented, advanced Collagen that is the result of continuous, innovative research and is designed to help reduce pain as well as increase joint mobility. Bioperine® Black Pepper Extract – This popular compound improves the absorption and utilization of the nutrients it is paired with.

Collagen Type II is the major component of joint cartilage. Conclusion. The study results showed that KollaGen II-xs™ when taken at a dosage of 375mg – 500mg twice per day appears to provide soothing properties to the joints, secondary mobility and other tertiary effects. 1 Pound kollaGen II-xs™ Type II Chicken Sternum Collagen Powder.

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DOI: 10.7727/wimj.2016.293 Corpus ID: 78453455. Safety and Efficacy KollaGen II-xs: A 60-day Clinical Trial @article{Bagatela2016SafetyAE, title={Safety and Efficacy KollaGen II-xs: A 60-day Clinical Trial}, author={B. S. Bagatela and A. Lopes and F. Fonseca and S. Morton and J. Gu and F. Perazzo}, journal={West Indian Medical Journal}, year={2016} } The statements on this site made by Simple Supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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2Department of Clinical Medicine, Mortec Scientific, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada. 3Department of Research and Development, Los Angeles 2021-01-13 ABSTRACT. Objectives: The present single-center clinical trial investigated the safety and efficacy of an avian sternal collagen type II hydrolysate, KollaGen II-xs TM. Methods: A goniometer was used to measure the range of motion, a pain scale (Borg) was applied to subjectively percept the pain, and a properly calibrated sphygmomanometer was utilized to evaluate muscle strength kollaGen II-xs™ Hydrolyzed Collagen Type II sourced from Avian Chicken Sternum Cartilage. Low molecular weight (20kDa), amino acid protein composition is 65% and 35% natural occurring hyaluronic acid, glucosamine and chondroitin. kollaGen II-xs™ a highly therapeutic connective tissue formula for optimum articular cartilage support, and chondrocyte cell health throughout the extracellular ArthroGuard™ – Hydrolyzed Collagen Type II is a Hip & Joint Supplement for dogs and pets, naturally sourced from chicken sternum cartilage. Collagen Type II has 18 collagen amino acid peptides that aid in healthy joints for dogs, cats, and horses.
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kollaGen II-xs™ Hydrolyzed Collagen Type II sourced from Avian Chicken Sternum Cartilage.

Contains collagen I, V. X. Clinically proven effective. Certified Nutraceuticals Inc. pioneered the original invention of three Collagen Types: KollaGen II-xs™, kollaGen I.V.X.HEM™ and Tendoguard™ I,II,V,X for dietary supplements and the first to introduce Collagen Types I, II, and III food supplements to the market more than 17 years ago. Simple Supplement's Kollagen II-xs provides nutrients to promote healthy joint cartilage.
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KOLLAGEN 11.000 PLUS Joint health + mobility. Plus 11 g collagen and 100 mg chondroitin. Collagen drinking bottle with tasty wild berries taste.

2016-12-09 - "Defendant argues that the doctrine of unclean hands precludes Plaintiff from any recovery because Plaintiff lied in 2011 when it described in passing its avian collagen product, KollaGen II-xs as patented in two press releases. However, in 2011, the KollaGen II-xs product was covered by the Patent No. 6,323,319." (Docket No. 31 at p.