Fantastiska Golden /retriever/setter /labrador Hängen /berlocker ! Slutar om 8 dagar, 19 kr, 1605819838 8 St Lök/förp Labrador Och Daytona-Tulpanlökar Mix.


Någon mer som har en Gordon Setter/Golden Retriever blandning? Underbara hundar! =D. Svara. Annons:.


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Planned Breedings!! THE BEST OF TWO WONDERFUL BREEDS . We offer K9 Training Contact Us: Dark Red Golden Retriever 'Golden Irish' History. A Golden Retriever Mix is a mixed dog breed that is a cross between a Golden Retriever and another dog breed. As with any mixed breed, they can take on the traits of one of the parent breeds or any combination of both of them. With a Golden Retriever Mix, the goal is to get the highly-trainable, super-friendly, and sweet nature of the Golden 2020-01-16 · If a lab setter inherits a retriever’s coat, expect him to look like chocolate, yellow, or black lab English setter mix.

Which Breeds Mix with Irish Setters? Golden Irish (Golden Retriever + Irish Setter) A big list of types of mix breed dogs with links going to information pages with American Indian Dog mix); Golden Irish - (Golden Retriever x Irish Setter mix)  Oct 16, 2013 - My golden retriever/irish setter mix, Luke <3. Ben in die tijd wel eens een kruising Ierse Setter/Rotweiler tegen gekomen, deze had uiterlijk Ier en karakter van de Rotweiler dan krijg je rare  My 11-year old golden retriever-irish setter mix has experienced some kind of eye problem for the past two weeks.

Galgo Espanol, Gammel Dansk Hönsehund, Gascon Saintongeois, Golden Retriever, Gonzcy Polski, Gordon Setter, Gos D'Atura Catalá, Gotlandsstövare 

Golden Retriever Dry Skin In the event that you are suffering from a problem with your Golden Retriever’s dry skin, ELLIOT is a lovable, 3-year-old, 50-pound Chesapeake Bay Retriever and Irish Setter mix. This handsome fellow is friendly, social, and sweet. ELLIOT loves the company of other dogs and would be an excellent addition to any family, especially one with dogs! Apr 1, 2017 - Golden Retriever Puppies Are Cute Overload - Funny Puppy Videos Compilation 2016 Golden Retriever Puppies Are Cute Overload - Funny Puppy Videos Compilation 2016 Thanks For Watching !

Pictures Of Golden Retrievers - Golden Retriever Photo Gallery. Pictures of It is a cross between the Golden Retriever and the Irish Setter. Ciara Kostadinpets.

Both of these dogs can be friendly but personalities differ, so you never know. The Golden Retriever is known for being friendly, reliable, and intelligent.

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11:26. 173. Sophie Westermark Amstaffmix.

This cross gives us a hybrid dog that has the best of both breeds. This is  Looking for a new family pet? Contact the English Cream Golden Retriever & Irish Setter Breeder at Plumcreek Acres & bring home a puppy today! Click for info!
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Irish-Setter - Hobbyzucht - NRW - Bochum Wir legen grossen Wert auf elegante, wesensfeste und gesunde Hunde und Welpen. Gerne helfen wir Ihnen bei der 

irish setter australian shepherd mix requires minimal care. Setter Podenco Schäferhund Mischling Tierschutz Hund Rüde. Name: Bako Geschlecht: männlich Rasse: Mischling Geb.: 04/2019 Größe: 48 cm Kastriert: Mischlinge. 400 €.